Peer-Reviewed Publications

Lofaro, Ryan J., Emily A. Boykin, Clifford P. McCue, and Eric Prier. (2023). Year-End Spending Spikes and Single Bid Procedures: An Analysis of Public Procurement in the European Economic Area. Public Finance and Management. 21(2): 135 – 166.

Boykin, Emily. A. (2022). Public Procurement and European Union Integration: a Systematic Review. Journal of European Integration.

McCue, Clifford, Boykin, Emily. A., and Prier, Eric. (2021). Competitive Public Procurement during COVID-19: The Unique Political and Policy Experience of the United States. European Journal of Public Procurement Markets. 1(3): 81.

Prier, Eric, McCue, Clifford, & Boykin, Emily. A. (2021). Assessing European Union standardization: a descriptive analysis of voluntary ex-ante transparency notices. Journal of Public Procurement 21(1): 1-18.

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